Monday, October 29, 2012


Holy Jumpins!
We just started!!! I honestly can not believe that it has been six weeks. My first six weeks felt like six months. My second felt like six weeks and this past transfer felt like six days. Seriously. Where has the time gone? Wow. More on that later.
This week was a return to the real world. Haha. I spent so long having nothing to do and no one to work with and this week was a shock to my system. Going so long without an investigator made me forget how difficult it is to juggle schedules and members and GAH! Stress. We had a great week lined up with appointments and teaching and it was supposed to be awesome. I guess it kinda was but we just got bombed a lot. So much. (For those of you who are wondering, "bombed" is when you have an appointment and the investigator doesn't show up. ie: "Andy bombed", "We got bombed", etc.) So yeah. Disappointments galore. Worst news first. Andy bombed. He rescheduled twice then told us that he would call us when he wasn't so busy......which is basically the nice way to say "Not interested." Sigh. We win some, we lose some. I'm still praying that he will call us but probably not. Super bummer. Bad news next. We only taught two lessons this week depite our ten ish planned. :( Good news. We taught two lessons this week!!! So so so so much better than teaching zero. So much better. Great news. Chris came to church!!! Chris is the guy we met at Tim Horton's and he is doing well. He has had a really tough life and so the gospel is just changing everything. He loved church and he wants to come again and meet with us during the week! So exciting. I love having work to do. :)
Other great news! For the first time ever things are not changing at the transfer. I am staying in Richmond Hill and so is Elder Hegemann. I am very happy about this because I really feel like I just got here. Elder H and I get along great and we are becoming better missionaries everyday. I am so glad I get to finish his training and that we get to work together for another transfer. Super great!
Thats about it. Not a very eventfull week. I love you all and I am so grateful for the support and the love from all of you. Keep on keeping on and love every minute of this life. Choose to be happy now. Do good things!
Elder E. Smith
P.S. I got two packages this week and the apartment is now very festively and very poorly (...I'm not good at decorating) decorated for Halloween. Also I am fat from all that candy. Thanks a lot. Also on Halloween we have to be in our apartment by 6 pm. Exciting.
Canada Fact: They say "Pardon?" instead of "What?" or whatever else we say when we don't understand something. Its awesome. I love Canada.

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