Monday, June 24, 2013

The going gets tough

You know that feeling when you walk into the washroom right after someone takes a long hot shower? When its sticky and hot and you can see them water in the air?
Yeah. Try that every time you leave the apartment. It has been wicked hot the past few days. It was 28 and humid at 8 in the morning. The temperature has hovered at 30 for the past two days and the whole week is forecast above that....Woof. And I thought that I had escaped the heat by coming to Canada. Ha.
In addition to being sweltering, this week has been brutal. We work incredibly hard and got....minimal results. I have determined that God has grown to expect much more of us now and is just waiting until we do ALL that we can to bless us. There is so much I can work on and do that I don't know where to start. I don't know if I mentioned but for the past three ish weeks my district and I have been participating in what they call "The Purification Challenge." For this challenge we start with prayer and fasting to determine a list of things we can lay on the "alter of sacrifice" in order to purify ourselves and really devote our efforts and thoughts to the work of the ministry. After the initial fast you then "fast" for 40 days, removing the things on the list from your life. Needless to say, my list was long and there was a lot of fasting to do. The challenge has promised blessing that come from it and we are definitely seeing them. Some are too sacred to share but I can feel a change in my spirit and my soul as I change myself into what God intends me to be. It has been a wonderful blessing and I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord.
As stated above this week was kinda lack luster. We busted our behinds setting up lessons with investigators, new and old alike, only to have them cancel last minute. Often when we are at the door. The most frustrating part is that we will get members to come with us and the person will cancel but when we can't find a member it will go through....grrrr! I just feel bad for essentially wasting these members time. The hardest part of this work sometimes is finding people to come with us so is stinks when they cancel on us. But, its all part of the job. I feel lucky to be serving where I am and to be learning these lessons. I would not trade my mission for anyone else's. I know that this is where I need to be and I relish these learning opportunities.
On that note of Member missionary work, I hope you ALL had the chance to watch the Work of Salvation broadcast last night. If you didn't I plead with you to watch it and to take the message that was shared to heart. This is direct revelation from our Father in Heaven to you. He is asking you and me and everyone else to step up. To sacrifice your time. To put it on the line and share this gospel. Brothers and Sisters this is the gathering of Israel and we have been called to do this work. As I watched last night I could envision the work of God rolling forth. If we would all do our part and share this gospel to all those within our sphere of influence, the building of the Kingdom would not and could not be stopped. The early Saints were asked to sacrifice everything for this gospel and all God is asking for now is a few hours a week and your love for your fellow men. God has placed people in your path for His purpose. Don't let him down.
I am very out of time. The library is super busy today so that is it! Talk to you next week!! Probably on Wednesday due to Canada Day but we'll see. Love you tons!!
Elder Smith  

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